Eight Days Into Dry July

Eight days into Dry July and I’m surviving. Although, last night I had a dream that I was offered a beer and I took it and then I was rather upset that I had broken my Dry July promise. This is clearly having some effect on me.

Thursday through Saturday were a little bit testing with sports, working around the house and dvd night. All three things are great matches for beer either as a complement or a reward so I had to make do with alternatives. My alternatives have been tonic water and lollies, neither of which are particularly conducive to weight loss; allegedly one of the beneficial side effects of Dry July participation.

Sunday wasn’t too bad, I was kept pretty busy putting down another batch of our American pale Ale; Wet Sprocket, but I did feel rather naked without a beer in my hand during the long period of sparging. And after a full day of brewing there’s nothing you’d like more than to sit down with a nice beer either.

Only 23 days to go and tomorrow I should be getting a shipment of Hopwired fresh wort, courtesy of NZ Amateur Brewer, Mangrove Jack’s and 8 wired. Looking forward to seeing how it goes, I’ll keep you updated here on the blog.

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