In Triplicate Brewaucracy Belgian Tripel 9.6% abv Dry July: T-minus 6 beers I’ve had this beer sitting in the fridge a while waiting for a suitable occasion to crack it. The big abv was always a bit daunting, but with 31 days of teetotalling ahead in Dry July this seemed like the perfect occasion....
Urbock Namibia Breweries Bock 7.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 7 beers I assume that’s how they came up with the name of this beer. This beer was on special down at my local; Blanc, and I thought I would give it a try. It was actually past its best by date but I was hopeful. On...
Mocha Porter Rogue Ales Porter 5.3% abv Dry July: T-minus 8 beers With the chilly weather and incessant rain we are experiencing at the moment, it was time for a darker and more roasty beer. That’s where Rogue’s Mocha Porter came to the party. Rogue’s Porter was a very dark brown in the glass,...
Benelux Ale – Fresh Hop Renaissance Brewing Company Belgian Blonde Ale 7.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 9 beers The second beer on my countdown to Dry July is another fresh-hopped beer, this one from Renaissance Brewing in Blenheim. Benelux Ale is a Belgian inspired blonde ale that has a large addition of freshly harvested...
Last of the Summer Ale Townshend & Liberty Extra Special Bitter 5.1% abv Dry July: T-minus 10 beers Ten days until Dry July; ten beers ahead. The first of these has a metaphorically fitting name for the occasion; it’s one of Townshend and Liberty’s fresh-hopped collaboration beers, Last of the Summer Ale. The dark...
A month away from beer?! I better get some drinking in then. So I have decided to take up the challenge and stay off the booze for the month of July. 30 days without a beer… woah. Wait, what? July has 31 days? Who made the stupid decision to do this on a long...