Isthmus Pale Isthmus Brewing Co American Pale Ale 5.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 2 beers This was on the guest tap at Deep Creek on the weekend but the bartender assured me it was brewed by the Deep Creek team. But then I’m not so sure as I’ve never seen someone make getting two...
Deadwood IPA Raindogs Brewing Co American IPA 6.8% abv Dry July: T-minus 3 beers My notes on this beer were a little rushed and brief as I was trying to watch a movie so I’ll try to make my blog that way too. The beer poured gold… I think. It was pretty dark in...
Green Flash Palate Wrecker Green Flash Imperial IPA 9.5% abv Dry July: T-minus 4 beers Kaboom. I am officially lost for words. And my palate is sufficiently wrecked. I may have said previously that bigger is better; this is nuclear. Ab. So. Lute. Ly. Love it! I got so carried away with enjoying the...
Murphy’s Irish Stout Murphy Brewery Irish Dry Stout 4.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 5 beers When out at a DB supplied pub the options can be a little limited, but I was fortunate enough to find beers I hadn’t tried before or, at least, tried since the existence of untappd. As you would expect...
In Triplicate Brewaucracy Belgian Tripel 9.6% abv Dry July: T-minus 6 beers I’ve had this beer sitting in the fridge a while waiting for a suitable occasion to crack it. The big abv was always a bit daunting, but with 31 days of teetotalling ahead in Dry July this seemed like the perfect occasion....
Urbock Namibia Breweries Bock 7.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 7 beers I assume that’s how they came up with the name of this beer. This beer was on special down at my local; Blanc, and I thought I would give it a try. It was actually past its best by date but I was hopeful. On...
Mocha Porter Rogue Ales Porter 5.3% abv Dry July: T-minus 8 beers With the chilly weather and incessant rain we are experiencing at the moment, it was time for a darker and more roasty beer. That’s where Rogue’s Mocha Porter came to the party. Rogue’s Porter was a very dark brown in the glass,...
Benelux Ale – Fresh Hop Renaissance Brewing Company Belgian Blonde Ale 7.0% abv Dry July: T-minus 9 beers The second beer on my countdown to Dry July is another fresh-hopped beer, this one from Renaissance Brewing in Blenheim. Benelux Ale is a Belgian inspired blonde ale that has a large addition of freshly harvested...
Last of the Summer Ale Townshend & Liberty Extra Special Bitter 5.1% abv Dry July: T-minus 10 beers Ten days until Dry July; ten beers ahead. The first of these has a metaphorically fitting name for the occasion; it’s one of Townshend and Liberty’s fresh-hopped collaboration beers, Last of the Summer Ale. The dark...
A month away from beer?! I better get some drinking in then. So I have decided to take up the challenge and stay off the booze for the month of July. 30 days without a beer… woah. Wait, what? July has 31 days? Who made the stupid decision to do this on a long...